
Caprine (messenger client) fails to start

I am used to use Caprine as my messenger client on Ubuntu. However, after few months of using in with Ubuntu 18.04 it simply fails to start giving this ...

Caprine: an Electron client for Facebook Messenger

Caprine is an application for Facebook Messenger open source and cross-platform built with Electron. Caprine builds the Facebook Messenger web platform.

Install Caprine on Linux

Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features. Changes in version 2.60.3. about 2 months ago.

在Linux 上安裝Caprine

Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features. 在版本2.60.3 中的變更. 大约2 个月前. (建構於大约2 个月前).


Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features. Caprine is feature complete.

caprinereadme.md at main

Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features. Caprine is feature complete.

Install Caprine on Linux ARM Device - Pi

For the best chance of this working, we recommend using the latest LTS of Ubuntu or Debian from your hardware manufacturer. Caprine will run on either an Ubuntu ...

Install Caprine on Linux | Snap Store

Install Caprine on your Linux distribution. Choose your Linux distribution to get detailed installation instructions.

Install Caprine on Ubuntu using the Snap Store

Install Caprine. Caprine is an unofficial and privacy-focused Facebook Messenger app with many useful features.

Caprine – Facebook Messenger Desktop App for Linux

Caprine is a desktop application client for Linux that allows you to access Facebook Messenger directly from your computer.


IamusedtouseCaprineasmymessengerclientonUbuntu.However,afterfewmonthsofusinginwithUbuntu18.04itsimplyfailstostartgivingthis ...,CaprineisanapplicationforFacebookMessengeropensourceandcross-platformbuiltwithElectron.CaprinebuildstheFacebookMessengerwebplatform.,Caprineisanunofficialandprivacy-focusedFacebookMessengerappwithmanyusefulfeatures.Changesinversion2.60.3.about2monthsago.,Caprineisanun...
